Super wild theory with no real backing BUT

What if Cobel is now Milkshake?

The only things I have to go off are: - title of the episode: Hello, Ms. Cobel - Milkshakes computer log in was for Ms Cobel.

What if management log-ins were more than password and username. What if they registered chips? Or something? Milkshake turned off the screen quickly when Dylan and Ms Huang were entering the room. As though he didn't want them to see.

Milkshake also had a bit of a long sad look at the "Hello Ms Cobel" screen before switching it off at the end. I think something not great happened to Cobel, and I'm wondering whether maybe it's her?

It seems odd to have a Cobel focus and for Cobel to be completely absent? Unless she's not?

Again - SUPER wild 😂