Who are we?

Who are we deep down and why are more people not curious?


Probably 20 years ago I read a book called "Owner's Manual for the Brain". I bought another booked called "A Brief History of the Mind: From Apes to Intellect and Beyond". This started a long cascade of reading about brain science, consciousness, and human history.

The more I learn the more fascinated I am, and the more wonder about what I feel, what I want, who I am, and what life even is. I mean this in a positive sense, rather than just taking inner world too literally, I can be curious it and let things go, recognizing that so much is not really “my” doing or necessarily helpful. It is not all “me” – but a product of how I randomly grew up in the world and how the environment manipulated me, for better or worse.  

I know this might sound like a silly question - but how can people not be more curious about their own brain and how it constructs their sense of reality?

Just to cite some strange things to pique the question:

- Two hemispheres in the brain, essentially competing to interpret and sense the world. Each has specialties but both can become more or less dominant. They are capable of holding conflicting views. In split brain patients, one hand can physically argue with the other one. (book: master and his emissary)

- We don't know where consciousness comes from or how it works – but consciousness is all we really know (or are). (book: conscious)

- The brain can make stuff up (confabulation) (book: self illusion)

- Intuition and rationality work together but aren't always in agreement. Rationality builds upon intuition as a base but can sort of become overbearing and undermine intuition with its conclusions. (book master and his emissary)

- Our brain cannot show true reality - it needs to predict what is really there and how we feel about it based on small sensory data and past experience (book: predicting reality)

I can go on but the point is to raise: how much do we consciously author our lives versus how much is determined by subconscious intelligence working in the dark?

I sincerely believe it is possible not just to “learn” about these things but to actively explore them, see how your mind works, take things apart, rearrange things, and understand yourself, and that it leads to a lot of peace. There is no limit to this.

But the bigger question from the beginning: why are people not more curious about this in your opinion?

My guess is it just seems boring, or irrelevant, or like, yea that’s cool but I’m just go back to my problems. Or maybe they are confident they fully understand everything already, and this is like looking for the deep end in a puddle.

Also I know there is all kinds of great psychological literature, and therapy is a big and important thing in life, but that is only one side of the story – where as this is the workings of where all that stuff takes place.