On day 3…this is awful
I got my deviated septum corrected and my turbinates cut down too. I don’t know what I expected the recovery process to be but it was not this. I don’t have stents and there’s no follow up appointment either. I have crazy health anxiety so I’m worried I’m going to do something that’ll make it get infected or make the surgery pointless! I’m worrying cause I put a sterile cotton bud in one of my nostrils to help clear out a clot and I’ve just seen I should not have done that (which is pretty straight forward but here we are)
I am MISERABLE. The inside of my nose is killing me. My nose will not stop leaking with blood and mucus. I cannot sleep and when I finally do get to sleep the leaking wakes me up. My left eye has also decided to leak “blood” too. My ears are killing, my whole face is in pain. I have no energy for anything, I feel like I’ve got the flu x10 (no temp or anything)
Eating is painful as I can’t open my mouth enough.
The swelling is crazy! My nose is massive as is the rest of my face, it’s definitely a look…
I have a one year old too who is breastfed so it’s making the recovery so much more difficult, I’m constantly worried she’s going to hit me in the nose.
I’m really hoping I can sleep properly soon, I am a “sleep on stomach/side” person and obviously that is not advised during this period of recovery. But I end up finding myself in these positions when I wake up. I’m sleeping for 3 hours total and that amount of sleep is really not beneficial when you have two kids :))
When does this get any easier? As for most lucky people’s experiences I’ve read up on they were bad for two days and then were fine or had no real issues from the beginning. Is there anything I can do to make it easier? I don’t want to spend money on buying something I’m never going to use again afterwards.