willow / start willow ??

has anyone used this site for compounded sema or tirz?? trying to figure out if i got scammed :( i liked how they didn't charge you until you were approved, as many other sites require some sort of payment up front before they even approve you and by the time the meds arrive its well past any type of 30 day money back offer. ive done some research and the dr seems legit but also has a website called winona that looks like very similar branding and also the exact same PO box address. although winona is for menopause not for weight loss, is this odd or am i completely buggin???? what has me questioning everything is their insta is not following ANYONE, only has like 800 followers, no likes, no comments. same thing on tiktok. but i cant find any reviews good or bad!!! i cant even find if someone is calling it scam! i joined the fb group and there were a couple of comments of people saying they received the meds and it was working but ai has made me so skeptical that idk if they are real people or not. i will stop rambling now lol but if anyone has heard of this place, start willow . com, good or bad let a girl know!!!! TYSM!