Help! Need a camera that can track people

I bought this camera I have now because I have to deal with the garbage. There's a dumpster at the other end of the driveway pictured and it said it had AI technology to track people so I thought it would follow them down the driveway so I could see whose been illegally dumping stuff.

I've messed around with all the settings, called the tech support in China and to no avail. First it was going off too often because of the street so I 'blocked out' that section to not monitor. Now it isn't picking up dang near anything and if it does its for 5 minutes of nothing. my free trial is about to run out and idk what to do because I dont want to spend $250 unless i KNOW its going to work.

You can see that it will recognize people but it will only tilt and rotate slightly and it won't alert me when I don't have the app open (yes permissions are set to how they should be). It's a $100 camera that works off of cell towers so I don't want to pay $15/mo for something that doesn't work.

Can someone PLEASE help?