Dog-free breweries/pubs???

I’ve combed through all of the posts about dog-friendly spaces, but this is a moment for all of the people with dog allergies or a general disgust for horrible dog owners.

What are your favorite places that actually ENFORCE “No dogs allowed”?

The only place I’ve been that seems to genuinely stand by their posted rules is Fair Isle Brewing. They allow dogs on their outdoor patio (where they belong) but will quickly inform anyone who brings them indoors.

EDIT: I’m not surprised that this post has drawn a lot of nasty attention. Let me clarify: my wife has a severe dog allergy. The bigger, fluffier, excited, out of control, the worse the effects. There are no hypoallergenic dogs in this instance, just a scale from bad to worse. I had family dogs my whole life, and had to make the difficult effort to start avoiding dogs as much as possible because I value my wife (a human being who contributes to society) more than your pet. I don’t want her life to be miserably itchy just because we want to drink beer indoors.