Combat seems too easy/unsatisfying for players
Hey everyone - I'm a newer DM but long time player and have been running SoG for my players. Last night we just went through the fight with Mo Douqiu in the Tea House.
It was a deeply unsatisfying combat as rolling his initiative with society put him last in initiative - my players burned through all 30hp with ease.
So far in the campaign - the combat overall has felt a bit on the softer side, but this fight last night has me questioning how well tuned it is.
A more experienced DM may have been able to forsee only 30hp being low for what was supposed to be a fun fight that lasted a few rounds, and hindsight is 2020.
But it's felt like almost every combat session, my players just stomp right through. Some of that has been the dice not rolling in my (the DMs) favor, but statistically that doesn't happen every time and at this point in the AP, there should have been at least one pretty hard fight.
The closest to a tough fight they've had was the encounter with The Grey Butcher - but it was the swarms that gave the players a run for their money. When the butcher came into play, they pretty much took him right out too.
Curious if other DMs are noticing combat is on the easy side, have you retuned any of the encounters. Any tips for how to make combats feel more satisfying?