Beware of Hot Water Bottle syndrome!

Sharing for interest and to warn people.

I finally had my steroid injection today (yay). Jury is out on if it’s worked but the anaesthetic is still working so I’m happy for tonight.

For anyone interested, my TFESI was way more than I thought it would be (full operating theatre and 10+ staff) with the most intense feeling of electric shock of my life. I got thought it though and wouldn’t let that put anyone off.

Anyway, the neurosurgeon was confused when they lifted my back and saw the above sight. I obviously hadn’t noticed it because of its placement and my complete lack of regard for anything but pain management recently. Fortunately she recognised it as erythema ab igme aka “hot water bottle” or “toasted skin” syndrome.

It’s not inherently dangerous (small increased risk of cancer) but does look a complete and utter mess. I’m not too bothered about it and she said there’s a good chance it’ll disappear, but sometimes it can take years.

Word of warning folks - don’t fuck with the hot water bottle and fall asleep on it like I have been for the past few weeks…


A partially scarred but (at least temporarily) painless sciatica sufferer

Sharing for interest and to warn people.

I finally had my steroid injection today (yay). Jury is out on if it’s worked but the anaesthetic is still working so I’m happy for tonight.

For anyone interested, my TFESI was way more than I thought it would be (full operating theatre and 10+ staff) with the most intense feeling of electric shock of my life. I got thought it though and wouldn’t let that put anyone off.

Anyway, the neurosurgeon was confused when they lifted my back and saw the above sight. I obviously hadn’t noticed it because of its placement and my complete lack of regard for anything but pain management recently. Fortunately she recognised it as erythema ab igme aka “hot water bottle” or “toasted skin” syndrome.

It’s not inherently dangerous (small increased risk of cancer) but does look a complete and utter mess. I’m not too bothered about it and she said there’s a good chance it’ll disappear, but sometimes it can take years.

Word of warning folks - don’t fuck with the hot water bottle and fall asleep on it like I have been for the past few weeks…


A partially scarred but (at least temporarily) painless sciatica sufferer