Keep pushing you will get better

I’m not out of the woods yet - I’m 13 months into my sciatica journey.

I went from literally barely able to walk with a surgeon telling me “you’re fucked” to hiking with a 45lb pack on.

All the data shows that we will get better - and I have no judgement for anyone who goes under the knife I considered it many times myself. For those who want to refuse - unless you lose control of your bowels / bladder or complete loss of function in your extremities the data shows that you will heal it just takes time and movement.

I let my pain paralyze me and so it did for months. Keep moving even if it’s just a few steps a day keep doing it whatever you can do to move do it. Once I started moving again my pain improved rapidly. It hurt a lot at first - I could barely walk down the road or even stand but I forced myself to walk more each day.

I scoured the internet for success stories when I was in so much pain I couldn’t sleep. If someone stumbles onto this I can tell you - it does get better.

I still have pain but I can live again and I will heal.

Keep moving!