How should i increase my chances pf approval?

26M indian and want to travel around hungary in march for 15 days.

Currently i work with my dad in his LED lighting shop and can show gst registration or msme certificates as a proof.

Although business generates good annual income to sponsor but the problem is his bank statement wont reflect much transactions since business is mostly offline and most transactions are done by cash without a bill.

I also do some trading for a prop firm and it took off recently with 15000$ earned in last two months deposited in my bank account but I dont think showing as a trader would look good to prove ties back at home, on top of that all the properties are in my parents name.

No travel history so far so asking how should i go about applying for it? I researched and two most common themes for approval seemed like proof of funds and ties back at home, how do i proof both of these? Or would it be better if i take a trip or two to countries like vietnam, philipines before applying for schengen?

Also I will be applying from delhi, dont know if it matters though..