The girls that used to post pictures of their emergency room bracelets
While I watched the second episode a few nights ago I couldn't help but think about those girls that used to post pics of their ER bracelets (or in the hospital). I hope someone knows what I'm talking about. I'm a 90s baby and once instagram, snapchat, etc all became popular I remember girls in high school posting pics in the hospital with a caption like "second time here this week..." I remember my cousin went to the ER (she was totally fine) and she posted a snapchat story with a caption like "been here for over 4 hours." She immediately got so many texts/replies asking if she was okay. And I thought it was so funny because she honestly didn't have to go to the ER. I think it's just the attention, it's a little dopamine hit. But Amanda is an ER bracelet girl x10000. She said just got fluid drained from my brain 🤪