Normal KSB behavior?

Hello everyone, this is my baby ksb ive named helena, ive had her for around 3 weeks now and she’s eaten with me once.

ive tried to feed her a total of 3 times and she’s only taken one f/t pinky and its one i had left on a small paper towel just outside of her hide, i also shut the lights off and left her be. i offered her another pinky after she took that one about an hour later but she didnt bite.

i tried to feed her again a week ago using the paper bag method i had seen other redditors mention, (placing the snek in a brown bag with its prey) and she did not bite.

i dont see her out ever, just her lil head when i peek into her hide, tho sometimes i cant even see that.

i am going to attempt to feed her again tonight by putting the thawed pinky on a paper towel in front of her hide again. please, wish me luck!

basically i’d just like some peoples opinions on if i should be worried about her, if this is normal behavior, is she trying to find food when she peaks her head out of her hide? or is she just being curious.

i know this was all over the place. TIA