Wisdom teeth removal? Fast appts and relatively affordable with no insurance?

Hi all! Apologies if this is the wrong flair, didn’t know what else to tag this post with. Sadly, I need all 4 wisdom teeth removed (including 1 sideways impacted one) and wanted to request some recs on places that can get me in fast (starting to have some pain that is becoming urgent, otherwise I’d continue putting this off lol) and can take me without insurance at a good rate?

Saw one dentist who has great reviews, but recommended I get all these different procedures that a second dentist who said I wouldn’t need any of that, but doesn’t offer sedation which is kind of a must for me as I’ve never had any dental work done (not even a filling) and I’m scared lol.

Ideally, looking to pay no more than $3000 for all 4 teeth, but if you have a great rec that’s outside that range, please share, I’m open and just want these teeth out.

Sorry for the long post, but thank you in advance for your help!