I’m Tired of People Trashing Phoenix

People trashing the Phoenix metro is a pretty common thing to see here on this sub. They often repeat the King of the Hill quote Phoenix is a monument to man's arrogance". While that may be true in some aspects, particularly heat, I'm here to give a more nuanced view of Phoenix. No residents of Phoenix are not the ones draining the Salt river or Colorado river, the agricultural industry is. 74% of the total water use in Arizona goes to agriculture, where a lot of that water is used is at risk of evaporation. Water is also used for industrial processes in the state. Water that people living Phoenix use for drinking, showers, toilets, etc mainly go back to the source. Only 7% of residents in Phoenix have grass covering a majority of their yard.

While the Phoenix metro is an ever sprawling car centric suburb, that's not exactly unique to sun belt. It's a deal breaker for many on this sub, rightfully so. But for people that isn't a deal breaker for, there are good aspects of Phoenix. Obviously Phoenix doesn't have they're most desirable downtown but that doesn't mean it's lacking places to experience culture. Phoenix is a great metro to experience Indigenous and Mexican culture, and it has the food to show for it. There are Indigenous historic sites within city limits.

While the heat may be hell in the summer, Phoenix has great non-humid winters and springs. There are also places in northern Arizona that people could go to in the summer time. Phoenix is an amazing city for access to nature. The city is surrounded by mountains, there are many large city parks and state parks nearby. Yes people are living the in the middle of the desert, but the desert is beautiful. It's mountainous and has rock formations and suguaro cacti. Not to mention the fact that Phoenix residents are living in one of the most beautiful states, Arizona. They have closer access to to gorgeous national parks, national forests, and historic sites.

Obviously Phoenix has many glaring flaws, particularly politically. I wouldn't blame anyone for hating on the state of Arizona/not wanting to live in that state of Arizona during this political climate. I'm just trying to offer a slightly contrary point of view to the dominant opinion on this sub. What do you guys think?