3rd Year Licensed Plumber

Service Plumber for a big residential/commercial company in greater Montreal area in QC, CAD$ with some slight overtime average 35-45 hours a week

always struggled academically & ended up quiting before i could finish my hs… graduated plumbing trade school couple years later. Second year in a row i make 94-96k before taxes…

i honestly wouldn’t do anything else 🙏🏻 👨🏻‍🔧

Service Plumber for a big residential/commercial company in greater Montreal area in QC, CAD$ with some slight overtime average 35-45 hours a week

always struggled academically & ended up quiting before i could finish my hs… graduated plumbing trade school couple years later. Second year in a row i make 94-96k before taxes…

i honestly wouldn’t do anything else 🙏🏻 👨🏻‍🔧