Step 4 and then denied

Dx: fibromyalgia, bipolar disorder, general anxiety disorder, ocd, adhd

My last work position ended 9/2023, I was evicted 12/2023 and have lived with family ever since. I received Medicaid and SNAP. Last hospitalization was 6/2024 (this year) for two weeks.

Applied 4/2022, denied and appealed.

ALJ hearing 11/2024

Step 4 shown on 12/26. Reached out to my attorney who pulled the letter from the system.

Found “Unfavorable”. Said the symptoms provided “moderate” limitations and I guess they need to be ‘severe’ to count.

The jobs person had 3 random jobs for the judge’s first hypothetical, then no jobs for the second hypothetical.

I’m waiting to hear back from my lawyer about next steps. I’m devastated, and genuinely don’t know what to do. I’m half convinced I downplayed my symptoms too much and I’m heartbroken that I may have shot myself in the foot by trying to not be ‘too dramatic’.

My lawyer seemed hopeful after the hearing. Going to try to just enjoy the last few days of the holidays - it’s all I can do really. I see a lot of folks getting excited about Step 4, so just wanted to offer more data toward it.