Obligatory “done with school” post!

I started in October 2022 with only 3 credits from when I went to community college. I can’t believe I got it done in just over 2 years!!!

Definitely slacked off in the last year and would just not do a final discussion or like one in the middle of the term if I knew I’d still get an A. Sometimes you just gotta give yourself a break.

As a tip: most classes will forgive your first late assignment and still give you full credit when you turn it in. I’ve done that like 3 times the last year bc I’ve had a lot of traveling for work and just couldn’t be bothered to write a paper while out of town.

I also took about 10 classes through alternate sources* and saved literally $10k (and probably a year) which is insane!!!!!!!!!!

I’ll see yall at the spring commencement!!