Issues with gaming console nintendo 36S
Okay, so. the title says as the issue I've got. Now the console isn't mine, so I can't forward a lot of answers. I can only give the sitrep on the issues as they are.
I don't know if its due to overheating or something, but my niece turned on the console at my Ma's and the issue happened immediately. It started fine and she went to play her favorite game, super mario 3.
But she just got a black screen and got nothing. The issue displayed is as i put in the vid. I tried the reasonable restart or turn it on and off. Nothing. It just gives the reboot of the OS system.
Now I don't know what is going on. It could be a failed update, a blunder on my part in restarting it, or its the memory chip. Look, I don't know, but I'm hoping that some of you kind strangers can help. Any solutions i can forward to my sister and hope it gets resolved.
I checked the physical battery, i checked the SD card, its on the right, not the left and honestly I don't know more then that. Both looked fine.