May be a little late but..
I’ve decided to finally commit to learning directional air roll!
I’ve been playing for YEARS now and just never learned it. Rocket League is a game my friends and I always come back to and I can’t say that I’ve played any other game for this long, though not super consistently.
I thought, I’ve been playing for so long, why not try to learn a mechanic that is supposed to make me better?? (I shift between plat and diamond when I actually play ranked)
I tried today in practice mode and: WHEW what a mindfuck. The muscle memory from years of playing with reg air roll is difficult to break and I seem to be flipping around aimlessly. I forget when to hold roll, when to let go of boost, which direction to steer to situate my car etc. lol
I’ve always had fun playing regardless of win or lose but I love a good challenge so if anyone has tips/videos they recommend I’d appreciate it!