Whats your real opionon about ss and lotm
I have seen several posts where people say we hate ss and lotm. I have no clue on whats going on. Will anyone will me on this.
Due to the popular debates ,i ended up reading ss upto 1900chapters i had to drop late. I am also reading lotm now.
Ss was a good read but i didnt feel the full satisfaction i got when reading reverend insanity but overall its great which i have to say. Its like one or a half tier lower than ri. The world building was great and all but i felt something amiss somewhere like a soul. Man i feel dumb.
Lotm has been a great read so far. I cant say more than that since i have only read 150chaps. I guess it has potential.
As for RI, i read it in 2020 if i remember. Then again last year.
Hbu guys? Whats your heartfelt review about these novels?