Got care at program hospital and am considering suing

Disclaimer: I am going to spare some details and am using a throwaway to not out myself.

Last year, I had a very standard procedure done at a hospital in the same network as my residency program. Not my home hospital, but still. There was a complication with the procedure, it caused me significant suffering, and I had a lot of significant follow up care that eventually proved that the procedure was the root of the problem just as I had expected. There were issues with how the procedure was done and how my complications were handled afterwords (they were brushed off as ‘not related’). My honest goal is to make them change how they do things so no one else goes through what I did, and I’ve tried talking to the people that caused these problems and they wouldn’t listen. So I am now very close to suing them in order to speak a language that they will listen to. And, to be honest, the money doesn’t hurt, but it’s not the point. I’m not here for support. I am already going to therapy for that. I need advice on whether or not I should sue/how to sue. Should I be worried about repercussions or negative treatment at my current program, such as not being able to get a fellowship position? Will this affect me in my future job search/at other hospitals? Is there any way that I can protect myself or does anyone have advice to make my case stronger?

Extra info: I have a few years left at my program. And I wouldn’t be suing someone in my field (ie, it’s not like I’m a peds resident suing a pediatrician).