Residency sucks

I am so done with this shit. I'm tired of being infantilized. I'm tired of being unappreciated. I'm so disenchanted and entirely burned out. Just when you think your program has your back, they take you down a peg. Just when you think you've gained a little trust and respect, you're treated like a school child. You have to really grovel and brown nose constantly and it's so demeaning. As a former professional engineer, the term "professionalism" is ludicrous backhanded hogwash thrown around by these career ass-kissers and what it means is "fall in line and drink the kool-aid." Well, I'm personally getting the flying fuck as far away from this shit as possible on graduation day and I'm never looking back. Fuck this cultist indoctrination. And fuck the business of medicine and our laughable salaries and the fact that most of our CMS money goes into the pockets of C-suite execs. We're just getting fleeced. And it sucks. And there's not a damned thing I can do about it except bite my tongue and carry on. Eghhg.