Quitting the replica world. I tried 😅

I have only recently discovered this underworld of replica everything. Have only bought authentic both new and used, hunt for sales, etc. At first I was so excited thinking my money could stretch so much further when shopping 😍

But after 2 orders from 2 different sellers and a 3rd order now resulting in getting scammed, I’m stopping this adventure. Maybe I haven’t found the right seller but so far this hasn’t been as fun as I thought 😅

There’s the worry of the item not turning out as expected, customs seizure, getting scammed, the amount of time it takes (wasted so much time going back and forth with sellers) not getting the full set (due to customs), hard to resell (I always consign my items). And on top of that, wondering if anyone is gonna notice it’s a fake 😂.

I think my initial high has worn off and I’m going back to authentic and places like RealReal.

Just wanted to vent as I got so wrapped up into this frenzy and realized this isn’t for me.

Is anyone in the same boat or is it me? haha