My(M24) gf(F22) wants to know how it feels to get pregnant

I have been dating a girl for around 10 months now. We were doing doing different courses in same campus and we met in campus library. We both have completed our courses and preparing for different exams. Around 2 week ago, she told she is getting alot of kids reel in her insta and said that they are cute and all. We met on 26 January and she expressed her feeling about getting pregnant. She said she just want to 'feel' the experience of being pregnant. She said she have all things planned, her friend knows a doctor who will do the abortion and this and that. I disapproved her 'plan' but now she is behaving differently. She crying and saying I don't love her. She don't want a conversation, she just want to listen a 'Yes'. Is her intentions are pure or she want to trap me or something?