Bonding a Larger Third?
Hey all! I was hoping I could get a little advice from those who successfully bonded a third rabbit to their pre-existing duo.
For context, I have 2 male Netherland Dwarf rabbits. They are 8 y/o and have been together since I adopted them (then aged at 2 months old). I found a dumped domestic rabbit in the woods this weekend and was able to catch her. I have her separate from my boys, since she is due for a vet visit. She is a female, maybe 2-3 y/o and I believe she is a Beveren breed, so she is quite a bit bigger than the boys.
I’ve been reading through past posts about introducing another rabbit into the mix, but I wondered if anyone had experience with adapting a larger rabbit with smaller ones? I guess I’m just trying to estimate if this would ultimately be a dealbreaker or if it can be done. I’m also concerned about breaking my boys bond as well. As always, I really love being a part of this community and greatly appreciate the support. ♥️