My account is never lucky, and it's so demotivating.

600 BGH encounters, no Mattock (it scares me that I need two)

800 Rasial, got gloves twice

Coming close to 2k gate of Elidinis, no Dowser

1,300 osseous kills before I got one occultists ring

No boss pets

Multiple 99s, no skill pets

220 nex kills, only torva gloves

15k'ish chaos hand canonners, only one pickaxe

I love ironman but jeeze... So many dry streaks makes me miss playing a main. The part that really makes me demotivated is that I'm literally no closer to any of these. So demotivating to put weeks into a grind and it's just literally wasted time. I've never been lucky on anything...

Tagged with humor because laughing is the only way I have left to cope