Status Tokens Feedback

So, I've currently got a messy status system with lots of different tokens for different things and different stages. And I was thinking of swapping to a status rate system, building up to 100% rather thab having a ststus chance. But I was concerned about it being too complicated with the percentages (as I've seen lots of people complain about that here for various things). So then I figured I could roll both systems into one. And I was hoping I could some feedback on this idea? Exact numbers and balance are not only subjective to my system, but are also only placeholders before testing

So, here's the overall ideas, I guess: Once you get to 3 tokens of a status, the status effect starts. Once started, status effect lasts for 3 turns and the one suffering it begins losing 1 token at the start of their turn. You can not have more than 6 of each type of token at a time. When a status effect ends, you lose all of its tokens too. So far, so good I think

Burning: Once started, you lose 1 Life at the start of your turn. Various pyromancy spells will spend the tokens on a target for extra effects or damage

Frost: Once started, your movement speed is reduced by 5 feet for each token you have, until the status effect ends. Get to a maximum of 6 Frost tokens, you trigger Freeze and can not make any movement actions until the status effect ends

Shock: Once started, you trigger Static Tier 1 and can not make response actions until the status effect ends. Get to 5 tokens and you you trigger Static Tier 2, you can not make secondary actions untim the status effect ends. Get to a maximum of 6 tokens and you trigger Static Tier 3, you can not make primary actions until the status effect ends

Corrode: Once started, your Armour is reduced by the number of Corrode tokens you have

Bleeding: When started, you immedietly suffer raw damage equal to the number of Bleeding tokens you just gained to trigger this status effect (for example, if you had 1 Bleeding token already and then an attack gave you 2 more to start the Bleeding status, you would suffer 2 raw damage). When this status effect ends, you are inflicted with Hemorrhage and suffer raw damage equal to the number of Bleeding tokens you currently have

So yeah, judge, critique, whatever. Design wise, players won't have access to lots of status effects each, they'll have one (maybe two) they each can specialise in