Opinion: Here's why Charrisse's OK interview fell flat...

Instead of Charrisse simply taking the social "W" for letting us know about Karen's alcoholism, she, instead, pours salt in the wound by doing an interview that highlights her insensitivity and need for recognition. After the damning video release, the article reads as unnecessary and paints the picture of a seriously sick alcoholic in need of treatment instead of an OG housewife who fell from grace. It also highlights a booted former cast mate who has been waiting to revel in the shame of her frenemy.

Truth #1: Karen needs serious, serious, serious help, and alcoholism is a very serious sickness.

Truth #2: The article wasn't a good look for Charrisse. Instead, it spoke volumes on why she lost her flute in the first place. Charrisse's public persona is unlikable because she is playing the callous end of social status and is completely blind to why she's losing in the court of public opinion. She lacks redeeming qualities that round out her humanity. So, she comes across as a hard, empty, superficial shell with judgmental eyes that stare back at her every day in the mirror and self-sabotage her the moment she gets the proverbial mic.

Well, Charrisse has spoken... again... and despite her mouth moving, the audience only hears one word: Bitter.