season 1 deshawn

watching rhoa for the very first time and im about half way through season 1. am i the only one who felt like deshawn was doing absolutely too much with her “house staff” & hiring an assistant. it’s just giving “i want to look important and super rich for tv” like i get it that’s what the show is about but girl be so for real………… her saying she needed a round the clock chef and especially in the mornings because she didn’t have time to get her sons out of bed and make breakfast or else they’d be late. and then her “salon” because she “doesn’t have time to go sit in a salon for hours” so they come to her … she was so personally offended if they people she interviewed for assistant didn’t know who her or her husband was. like when she told the one lady “well i run the DeShawn Snow foundation, it’s all over the internet” bestie i beg, HUMBLE yourself 😖