The Patriarchy Is Dead In Most Western Countries
My girl grew up in an Appalachia-type area with abusive, alcoholic parents. She studied hard, went to medical school, and is now a doctor with a higher standard of living than most men.
Statistically, most Americans don’t have a college degree and have less than $5,000 in their bank account. She’s living proof that hard work leads to success, regardless of gender. She took the same path any man could take to achieve it.
Delusional women need to realize they can live better lives than most people including most men. The formula is simple: study hard, work hard, have good values, and surround yourself with good people. Success doesn’t care about your gender.
Yes, women face unique disadvantages compared to men but they also have unique advantages. For example, I know a girl who got roofied at a bar. I know another girl who bought a car with simp money from streaming Fortnite on Twitch.
There is no ‘patriarchy’ holding women down in most Western countries anymore.