How can I trust psychedelics
When everyone here has so many stories of things that obviously aren't true. Like, levitating, or speaking to embodiments of emotions that created the universe. I don't doubt they felt like they did, but in reality, wasn't it just chemicals moving in a brain? All gods are just thoughts in a brain. Projecting the human experience onto reality. And reality doesn't care. It just keeps going.
All these incredible spiritual experiences seem so profound but it seems like nobody's looking at the actual chemistry. Aren't these all just illusions caused by altered brain chemistry?
I want to believe, I really, really do. But how could I ever? Whatever I experience will just be neurons firing in my brain... That's why the research on psychedelics talks about how it affects serotonin receptors. That's how a chemical can cause such effects, all it is doing is altering a brain.
I want to find a way to conjoin the spiritual and the material in a way that destroys neither, but it feels like I just see delusion and illusion, and the desire to believe it because the infinitely cold truth of the universe is too horrible. I want to believe, but then I see things that are so obviously false.