That's it. That's the post.
My school just switched to it. In the past, I have used both Blackboard and Canvas. Of the three, I personally think Canvas is the clear winner. But even Blackboard was tolerable compared to Brightspace. At least Blackboard was so pared-down and simple that it just got out of my way and let me teach the way I needed to. It was easy to organize my materials on Blackboard. It didn't try super hard to be a part of my life like Brightspace does. Brightspace is so clunky and unintuitive. The UI looks like it was designed by Toys-R-Us. I feel like I'm navigating a poorly designed iOS app from c. 2009, but on my PC desktop.
Am I wrong? Is Brightspace actually way better than I think it is, and I'm just being pissy because it's still new to me?