Which President would NOT be elected today?

There is NO way FDR is elected president today. Mainly because he was in a wheelchair and had Polio. The media wasn’t as intrusive back in the 1930’s-1940’s. You still hide things relatively easily. While there was film and photos, there wasn’t 24 hours news and no social media. They could hide his disability very easily. Not today. The American people aren’t ready to vote for a person with a disability right now. This is my take…. What do you think?

There is NO way FDR is elected president today. Mainly because he was in a wheelchair and had Polio. The media wasn’t as intrusive back in the 1930’s-1940’s. You still hide things relatively easily. While there was film and photos, there wasn’t 24 hours news and no social media. They could hide his disability very easily. Not today. The American people aren’t ready to vote for a person with a disability right now. This is my take…. What do you think?