What are your top 3 favorite metal bands?
is sabaton for me I have always been interested in history and also in wars. That is why sabaton is one of my favorite bands that I have been listening to for the last 6 years. Not one album is bad and can't wait for the next album Top 2 is the old Rhapsody of fire I've only been listening to them for a year (I've only known Last Winged Unicorn for a while when I listened to it again) . They are my favorite power/symphony metal band Every song of theirs feels like I'm listening to a story and in a war. Every song has a tension in it. It sucks that they broke up. And my number one is manowar How do I start. I have been listening to manowar since I was 5 (now I am almost 20) Every song feels like I'm fighting. Eric Adams is my favorite singer. How he can sing from so high to so low in one go still gives me goosebumps. I'm going to watch Manowar's last tour soon and I can't wait to see them live for the 2nd time Who are your favorite top 3 bands and why