This is what I wanted
It all stops when you find the right wig
Fitting clothes
The right perfume
The right shade
And the right angle
Suddenly everything stops
Everyone is showering you with grace
Of how gorgeous you are
Oh, look at yourself
You’re so adorable
So pretty
So sexy
It feels good
Yes this feels great
Everyone loves me
Everyone is finally seeing it
Isn’t this amazing?
Like how could a man fumble me
You must be out of your damn mind, right?
It all starts when you look into the mirror
Suddenly it’s hard to relate to what they see
One eye bigger than the other
Nose too big
Skin extremely oily
And my boobs too small
Isn’t my makeup a bit cakey
Not flattering at all
My body too skinny
My legs too hairy
And my ass too flat
You’re so beautiful
You must have guys waiting in line for you
Do you model
Wow, you’re pretty
Look at her hair
Look at her skin
What cream do you use
Yes this is what I wanted
This is what I cried for every single night
This is what I compared myself to
This is what I made a fool of myself for, right?
My younger self wouldn’t believe that this is me now
This is where it stops
It should stop
Look everyone is feeling me
Yes, this is what I wanted
Let me retouch my lips again
Yes I feel better
Yes this is what I wanted