My indoor plumerias started growing new leaves despite me trying to keep them in dormancy
Some background: I live in cold climate, that's why they are fully indoor plumerias. We get proper plumeria appropriate hot weather and full sunlight only about two months in the summer if we're lucky. My plumerias are grown from seeds and have been indoor the whole time. They were planted last spring.
I stopped giving them any light about a month ago, thinking they're entering dormancy because they started dropping leaves. (I made a post about this too) They're basically in a dark room and I water them once in two weeks. But now I just noticed they have started producing new leaves and now I don't know what to do. I don't understand at all what's going on. Were they even trying to go dormant in the first place? Have they even been on dormancy at all? How do I proceed, do I start giving them light again now?