I still cannot beat the Galios Lair

I'm so frustrated. I have tried and tried since the update came out. I am not sure if I am very unlucky or what. Is the solo mode option just way more difficult than it should be?

I tried to play with 5 person option but every time people leave the lair and before I realize it I am in there alone. And when I play alone I have gotten so close - this last time I got all the way to his final health bar. But at this point I have lost over 10 times. I know how to play the game but this is just kinda nutty. I was able to do all the other lairs. I just want to be able to complete the game and catch umbras like everyone else.

Sorry for the rnt and I don't even think I am asking for help just maybe letting Crema know that this still seems way to random and difficult.