Opinions! Background plants : )

I am stuck...and losing sleep over it 😂 Okay so overview - 20g standard, will be running CO2, dosing ferts (weekly) and chihiros WRBG II light. I have a few plants already in mind. The numbers correspond where they will be planted in the tank (last photo).

1 - Monte Carlo 2 - Dwarf Hair grass 3 - Assorted Anubias/Bucephalandras 4 - Alternanthera Reineckii Mini (experimenting with it in the water column on the tree) 5 - No ideas whatsoever! 6 - And still no clue!!!! I was thinking Vallisneria Americana though? The vibrant green should set off AR Mini well

So there lies my dilemma! Val? Or something else?!

And for the middle background anyone have any ideas what looks nice up against HairGrass?

Opinions welcomed obviously: )) And sharing some hard scape evolution photos for fun.

Thanks for reading!!! Happy Planting.