PGY1 Quitting Advise

Hello, Context. Yes, I want to quit my residency. I am a mother. I am a wife. I live an hour from residency in a home with 4 families and barely have enough money for diapers for my 2 year old. I have taken a few days off for already 2 close family funerals in just this past 6 months. I had to retake both NAPLEX and CPJE (passed and licensed now). I have had rotations moved around to accommodate my licensure problems. My program has been extended by 2 weeks d/t the delay in licensure... over the last month and a half I have endured absolute dehumanizing, belittling abuse from my preceptor. (What were you thinking? Why did you do that? Where are your sources for those claims? What happened? Come on you can do math can't you 5+3 is 8. Come on. What's wrong? What's going on? Why don't you know this?... these phrases said to me in very abrasive and scolding tones. Making me change plans while on phone with patients in the middle of conversation after they agreed to my more conservative plan to go with the preceptors more aggressive approach. I'm too empathetic, I'm too conservative. My knowledge is too surface level. Etc.) . . I feel lower than dirt. All confidence out the window. I contemplate driving into oncoming traffic multiple times a week but remind myself I have a husband and baby to keep going for. . . I sent an email requesting a week off for a mental break because I have reached am unsafe mental breaking point. My program declined stating they have made too many accommodations up until this point d/t the earlier licensure problems and could not provide me with any leave of absence. . . I don't want to lose myself. My son needs his mom. I'm scared. I feel like I have no choice but to quit since they have exhausted their resources.

(Resources exhausted: I've used a lot of PTO alloted to me. I've used 3 days of unpaid time off for extra studying. I've had 2 large changes and shifts for rotations to accommodate licensure. And I have had to extend program 2 weeks because I got license 2 weeks late)