How do other couples split finances?

Up until recently my partner and I earned a similar salary (about 10k difference) and more or less split joint expenses 50/50 and did what we wanted with the rest of our money. For some context we are in our mid 30’s and have been together and lived together for 10 years.

About 9 months ago my partner got a new job and his income is now more than double mine. How we split joint expenses now is as follows: he pays power and internet, we buy our own groceries individually(a bit weird I know but it works for us), we split pretty much all other joint expenses 50/50 eg rent, car insurance, household items, holidays etc. To be fair if we go out to eat he is paying 80% of the time. I’m not sure I think this split is fair. Him paying power and internet and for meals out is maybe $500 a month but his take home pay is about $2500+ more than me per month.

IMO we should split our expenses based on salary not 50/50 anymore. And I guess I’m wondering if anyone has navigated something similar and how they figured it out?