How do I deal with excessive debt?

Hard working blue collar guy (50+ hours a week in the construction industry running trucks and machinery)

Married (wife works when there is work available as a cleaner but doesn't generally create a lot of income)

Banks offered me and my wife access to lines of credit (without any collateral) in excess of $80,000 over the past 10 years

Day by day, week to week (over the past 10 years) just trying to keep up with the Jones (dinners out, uber eats, alcohol, weed) we are now $80k in debt ($40k in my name and $40k in her name) to the banks with only my salary ($52k/year take home) as income

We do have $35k saved in a TFSA in my name (currently in bank stocks)

We rent an apartment ($2000/month) and our only real possessions are one car ($5000) and some electronics (tv Xbox etc)

My question is what are our options?

Is there anyway I can hold the banks accountable for giving me access to money with no collateral?

I like to think of myself as someone who contributes to society and the last thing I want on my conscious is running away from the problems I created. I'm prepared to drastically change our lifestyle if need be (live in a dive or a trailer park until we can find a way to pay it all back) but I also am aware that money isn't real anymore (no gold standard) and it is just numbers on a screen and from my understanding it would not hurt the banks or society in general if I found a way to get the banks to forgive me for this debt

What do you guys think?

P.S. we have gotten our spending under control and for the past few months have not spent more than we bring in In addition we have perfect credit as we have never missed a payment on anything (currently $1000 a month in interest to the banks)