Periods have been weaker the last two times
I‘m 26 years old and I have my period since 11/12. they’ve always been quite strong, the first day I always have cramps and blood but not so much as on the second day. The second day I bleed a lot. The third day is okay and the days after it’s also quite little. Usually I’d say it lasts for 5-7 days. I also mostly wear a tampon and a pad (for example at school, work or in the night). My last period in December was kind of lighter too, it lasted 5 days and I also had some spotting the days before. This month it was also weaker. I had three days of spotting before my period started and I had cramps on the first day but not so much blood as I’d normally have, like only the second day was heavier but still not as heavy as usual I’d say. On the third day I lost really little blood and on the fourth day even less. Should I be worried? I could also be low iron (getting my blood checked on that on Thursday) but I don’t know it for sure and I’ve been anemic before and I don’t remember having any differences. Sometimes I’m scared I’m approaching perimenopause which is unlikely cause I’m 26 but I’m kind of a hypochondriac