Increased progesterone —> no longer sleeping well
I was on 75 mg compounded bioidentical progesterone for 3 months and slept like a baby. Hot flashes were gone but still some breakthrough anxiety at end of my cycle. My provider just increased me to 100 mg this week and all good sleep has stopped. I have been waking at 1:00 am nightly now. I was hoping 100mg would be the magic dose and help with the anxiety but that hasn’t been the case yet. I also wonder if it hasn’t had a chance to take full effect since it’s only been a week? But I find it weird to take a higher dose and feel like I’m going in reverse. Anyone have anything similar with symptoms reappearing or if you’ve increased and had good luck, how long did it take to see effects? It did take me until midway through my 2nd month to feel effects from 75 mg.