Kineticist is completely incompatible with mythic play

Having gotten my copy of War Of Immortals i was excited to look into the rules of mythic play.
While the Mythic rules do look really cool and flavorful i hate to say that the vast majority of them just do not work with kineticist.

Specifically the issue comes in due to impulses being considered neither strikes nor spells, as a result of this every single spellshape or feat interacting with strikes do not work.

All those cool mythic destinies? might as well not bother because you litterally cant use their abilities.
Actually being able to touch mythic creatures? litterally cant because you have no way of making your impulses mythic in order to bypass their resistances or mythic abilities.

On that subject, the mythic resilience system means that if an enemy has this in reflex saves kineticists (and most spellcasters but thats a different conversation) simply cannot affect enemies as the enemy will just go up a tier in their save result meaning that most of the time theyll crit succeed against any impulse you throw at them.

Martials got new fundamental runes that make them able to scale with mythic creatures with +4 and mythic striking runes but kineticists got no such treatment in the form of a mythic attenuator or mythic tier of elemental blasts.

I really hope some errata can be done at some point that at least makes it so the class i love can have some interaction with the system i was so exited for