Am I being rational about my in laws getting my children clothes
So i am going to sound ungrateful and possibly super spoiled but let's do this. I live in an area where it gets pretty cold. Like 50 below. I have a newborn and a toddler. A few weeks ago we stop at my in-laws house to hang out and my mother in law pulls out a couple of snow suits for my newborn. One for this year and one for the next. She just bought them out of nowhere. I said thank you they were really cute, and didn't mention she already had several at home we had bought before she was born. We are getting ready to leave and she tries to put her in it and I explain that you can't put children in puffy winter gear then strap them into their carseats. She looked sad and said something like well I guess it's useless. I said no she might use it if we go sleading or something. I didn't say she has a better insulated one at home that's also waterproof so in all reality she probably won't ever wear it. The one my MIL got was like furry or fluffy material. It gets soaked through and the kid is just wet and cold. I realized after she must have thought our baby should be wearing a snow suit at all times and became concerned and just bought one. I wish she would have just asked if she needed one. Well a few nights ago my in laws stopped over and had a large fluffy pullover sweater for my other daughter and said it was to replace her jacket because they noticed her jacket was too small. I said thank you that's nice, but her jacket fits ok. It actually fits perfectly.I didn't say if it didn't she has another one. And two for next year. And after looking at the sweater it's not a replacement for outdoor gear. It's not the right material. Its very fluffy. I let my daughter go outside and play in it for a couple minutes but it got too wet and she actually got stuck to our metal gate.
Part of me is super irritated because its like she thinks we forgot to get our kids proper outdoor gear for the cold. It's a pretty important thing where we live, and it would be thoughtless and neglectful not to equip our kids properly. I assure you they have everything they need in triple. And (this is going to sound awful) but she decides to just get them stuff, because apparently I'm just incapable, and she gets them really low quality items that they wouldn't be able to spend much time in outdoors. Or play in the snow at all. There more items for fall. So these things just get to clutter up my limited closet space. I'm probably just being ungrateful, and over sensitive but I'm perfectly capable of dressing my children properly for winter, and I wish she would call and ask instead of assuming they need things. It feels insulting honestly. And passive aggressive.