I cannot feed my baby
Update: I got in touch with his pediatrician’s office, they said there’s nothing they can do and we’ll have to come out of pocket for the extra that he needs. Called all local food banks and none of them give away any type of formula unfortunately. Does anyone know of any good ways to get coupons? Dad got another job but an extra $200 bill is not doable right now.
So for context my son is 7 months old and was born a month and a half early. We just had a WIC appointment for his 6 month milestone and they lowered the amount of formula they give us. His formula is $50 a can definitely not something we can afford at the moment our bills are on the verge of being shut off because my husband was let go from his job last month. They lessened the amount of formula given and added baby cereal and baby food. That seemed cool at first but his pediatrician is adamant that we stick to using milk for his daily nutrients and that the other stuff is just for fun at the moment. Now we have tons of baby food that he refuses to touch so we use our formula and baby cereal and we’re still already out for the month and the month is barely half way through. I’m not okay with forcing my baby to move onto table foods when he’s not ready and when I believe that he specifically doesn’t need them until over a year old. (No judgement to any parents that do start earlier, everyone’s baby and situation is different) What do yall suggest I do? This has been the most stressful time trying to get this figured out, any ideas?