Programs for single parent kids to teach them how to value things in life & family
I have raised my daughter completely alone for 10 years. I just had my 2nd appt with her psychiatrist who is not able to diagnose her with ADHD since her Vanderbilt score sheet from her teachers was not enough. I ended up Crying, not because of the diagnosis but because this was the closest thing to family therapy we have gotten yet. After our most recent & hurtful event. I am still looking into finding a family therapist for us. Family therapy is Just the beginning. Walking out, I felt a sense of myself that I haven’t felt since prior to having her/shortly after having her.
Not trying to bash her, but my child is ungrateful, spoiled, she is not loving, she shows no signs of empathy or understanding how I ever feel even when I have fully explained or even at times have broken down from her inability to Feel. I expressed that to the psychiatrist & I believe she can finally see my concerns. She even asked my daughter how she felt about the way “mom feels,” when I expressed myself & she said “huh…” & she asked her if she had drifted off, she said yes. She said do you often do that, drift off, she said yes. It’s just so sad to me.
On the way home, I’m thinking there has to be some kind of programs nearby that teach children to value small things like idk when I was younger. I learned value just by living daily life. I also did not even have the Best upbringing from my mother (only visiting with my dad) & still learned the concept of positivity & being nice to your elders & respecting them & loving them wholeheartedly & the meaning of family etc. I thought maybe for 1 example, church. Maybe if I attend & she attends the children’s area they can do such thing but hopefully not just “sitting around watching,” like most daycare situations. Maybe if that wouldn’t work, bible study ? So she can Listen to someone even just Reading even if it’s not something she will grow to follow, I’m sure the instructor will be able to have a comment like “oh you don’t want to read ? Well why not, go ahead & open your book to page so & so, what do you get from this excerpt, or whatever.”
Or even just a life class in general.
Boot camp even came up but that would definitely enforce negative instruction but could possibly just make things worse. Idk kids don’t learn daily life concepts anymore or to appreciate the small things (which is how I still am in my heart) all they care about is being as snarky as possible to get what they want (iPads, phones, $, material things) & then they’re off until they run out or until time is up & they just have to go to school, etc.
If anyone knows of a good program that can teach my kid about the value of life, please help. I feel like I’ve explained enough to last 7 lifetimes & it does nothing & it really sucks & it really hurts.