Has Anyone Experienced Black Eyed Children In The Closet?

Okay, this is going to sound totally crazy, and I know I'm bound to get a ton of puns from this, but has anyone else seen black eyed children come from their closets as kids?

When I was 5, I shared a room with my baby sister, and the closet door never closed right. As I got a little older, I remember seeing this little boy with black, soulless eyes come out of the closet, and he would always want me to play with him. I had a decent nightlight that gave a soft glow throughout the room, and the boy never travelled into the light. I remember how, at one point, he actually got mad that I kept refusing to play with him, and he snuck around the room, grabbed the cord to the nightlight, and threw it to the ground, immediately waking my baby sister, who started screaming. I got in trouble because my mom always thought that I was the one she heard playing in the room, and she was especially mad when she found the broken nightlight. She tried to punish me by leaving us without a nightlight, but I convinced her to at least leave the door open because I knew the boy would never be able to get to either of us.

We eventually moved from the house, and, to this day, I have never slept in the full dark, especially with the closet door open. Up until this point, I wrote it off as a bad dream and thought that was it, but my little sister, who is pregnant for the second time, said that she heard children giggling the other night that stopped whenever she turned on the lights and made sure all the doors throughout the house were shut, and it brought back memories. To make things even more interesting, my boss recently admitted that there's an old superstition about not letting children sleep in a dark room with the closet door open. When I asked why, he said that there were black eyed children who would coax the children into the closet, and they would never be seen again.

Has anyone experienced this phenomenon? Is there really a urban legend of black eyed children in closets? Why do I only hear about the black eyed children on the streets going after adults?

I need answers...