really bad panic attack
i’ve had lots of panic attacks but this one takes the cake. it’s valentine’s day and i was fine all day. We just got back from dinner to our hotel and i went to the bathroom and i got bad heart palpitations back to back to back and it scared me so bad my heart started racing. i was freaking out coming out the bathroom and my bf looks at me and asks me if im okay and i got such a strong feeling of impending doom i was pacing back and forth he kept telling me to sit down and i couldn’t. i was feeling light headed and really shaky. i was so close to going to the er, it kept coming back in waves and i genuinely thought i was going to die. luckily i had ice and was holding it in my hands and putting it on my chest and it helped calm me down but let me tell you i was absolutely terrified, an hour later i finally calmed down. i hate this so much man :((