nausea and sickness after breakup?

So I've been sick for awhile and have several health issues which has given me anxiety. My anxiety makes me physically sick like actual puking or rushing to use bathroom though. Earlier this year I brokeup with my abusive bf, I got so sick and had to go to the hospital twice for fluids and was even given benzos because I wasn't able to keep anything down and having repeated panic attacks. I was sick for like weeks, so I got back with him because I couldn't handle being sick from anxiety and it got slightly better. Obviously it never went away fully cuz he was abusive to me but it was better than being alone.

Well, we brokeup yesterday and I'm already so so sick again. I don't wanna get back with him but I'm scared the anxiety will never end. I keep having panic attacks over random things and feeling short of breath and the nausea won't go away. My stomach hurts so bad too. I'm scared to be this sick all alone. Does anyone have encouraging words or advice? I only got a few hours of sleep last night and tbh I consider that good compared to the last time we brokeup. Idk but please please help idk how I'm even supposed to eat today but I know it'll make me sicker if I don't.